Thursday, May 16, 2013

And you thought dragons didn't exist.....

Hello, my name Atermis. The year is 5071 and today is my 13th birthday. I have a small idea of what I might get today. You see, now a days, a select number people become riders at age 13. Riders are people who ride dragons. They are similar to what used to be the air force. But now instead of planes we use dragons.

Being a Rider is a very dangerous job and once you are chosen the rest of the world cant see you. Im serious, the mundanes (human non-rider people) cant see you, they have no idea we are here fighting off the demons and evil for them. You have to be born into a family of riders in order to be chosen. And even then you have to be chosen to become one of them. Of course, we start our training at age 2. So if you are not chosen then you become a mundane and forget all your training and forget all about the Riders.

I live in a family of 5, my mom, dad, my older and younger brother and then me. My parents were the best Riders that ever lived. My older brother is 15 and has been chosen, he is just as good as my dad if not better. My younger brother is 12 and only a couple months younger than me and will be chosen soon after me. My brothers and I have a definite acceptance of being chosen because of our parents past.

My family and I travel downtown where they keep the new dragons, the ones that havent been placed with a rider. We look around at all the different dragons and wait for one to choose me. The thing is the dragon that your sposed to get is sposed to walk straight up to you. And at that moment an aruba blue colored dragon walks up to me. My father tells me to get on it, so I do. Suddenly the dragon paces back and shoots up into the sky. After that I dont remember what happens next.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What is wood?

What is wood?


  1. The hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub.
  2. Such material when cut and used as timber or fuel.
forest - timber - woods - lumber


It is renewable, biodegradable, non-toxic, energy efficient and greenhouse gas friendly.

Hardwoods (angiosperms) have broad-leaved foliage, and tend to be deciduous—that is, they lose their leaves in the autumn. (However, many tropical hardwood species exist which are evergreen—they maintain their leaves year-round.) Additionally, hardwood trees tend to have a branched or divided trunk, referred to as a dendritic form.

Softwoods (conifers) tend to have needle or scale-like foliage, though in some uncommon instances, they can have rather broad, flat leaves, such as Kauri. Most softwood trees are evergreen, however, some conifers such as larchor cypress lose their foliage in the autumn, (hence the common name “bald-cypress”).

Monday, May 13, 2013

What is the best time of the year?

      What is the best time of the year? I think that winter is the best time of the year. I think that winter is the best time of the year because you get to bundle up in warm clothes and enjoy hot cocoa. Also in some places it snows during the winter! Another thing about winter is that during the winter stores have a lot of winter sales. Winter is definitely my favorite time of the year.

 Bundling up for winter is very fun to me. During the winter a lot of people get big coats and hot drinks while shopping or at school. You also get to wear cute gloves and hats during the day. Winter is one of the most fashion oriented times of the year. Winter is definitely a very fun time of the year.

 Snow is one of the main keys to winter. Most states have snow in some sort of way. You can do lots of things in the snow! Like building a snow man, going sledding and many other things. All these things go well with a hot cup of hot cocoa.

Another great thing about winter is that lots of stores have winter sales. That means that you can get jackets that are usually $200 for $50. This helps a lot around the holidays. That way you can get presents for family's for even cheaper. Winter is by far my most favorite time of the year!

Winter is definitely the best best time of the year. It can be great because you get top bundle u pin warm clothes and drink hot cocoa. Also in lots of places it snows! Another great thing about winter is that winter offers lots of clothes and shoes sales. Winter is a great time of the year.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Your school is starting a team, what should it be?

If my school were starting a team I would want the team to be a surf team. Surfing teaches you balance, which can help with other sports. Surfing is fun. Surfing is also good exercise. Having a surf team is a lot of work, but is very fun.

Surfing teaches you balance. Learning balance is a key factor when it comes to surfing. Yoga can help with increasing your balance which will help with other sports. Some people enjoy doing yoga on there own but if you are on a surf team you could hire an instructor to teach your team. Yoga and Surfing are both good sports to do if you are wanting to be in shape or just have fun.

Surfing is lots of fun! Especially if you surf with a group. Surfing doesn't teach you teamwork but surfing does teach you independence which is a very good quality. Surfing can be very fun when you catch your first wave, the exhilaration and speed is amazing. Surfing is definitely a very fun sport!

Surfing is very good exercise. For some people exercising isn't always fun. So surfing with a group can be quite fun especially if you start to throw in mini competitions. When surfing you use you stomach and arm muscles A LOT. So after a hard day of surfing you have gotten a good bit of exercise! Surfing is a wonderful way to exercise.

If my school was staring a team I would want the team to be a surf team. Surfing teaches you a great deal of balance. Surfing is lots of fun. Surfing is great exercise. So if your school needs another team surfing is definitely a great sport!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Creative Writting: About Hawaii

Hawaii is a state in the United States. It is an island located in the Pacific Ocean. Hawaii has many Islands but most people know Maui, O'ahu and Kauai. These island offer many different types of wildlife and water.  Someday I would love to go and visit the Hawaiian islands.

There are many islands in Hawaii but here are the main three. Maui is the second largest island is the hawaiian islands, It is also the 17th largest islands in the United States. O'ahu is the third largest hawaiian island and the most populous island of the Hawaiian islands. Kauai is the fourth largest hawaiian island, it is one of the oldest of the hawaiian islands. There are other islands in hawaii but these are the most popular. Here are some pictures of the islands.




The islands offer many types of wildlife and forests. There is the hawaiian boar which is a wild pig. The state bird is the nene. The state mammal is the monk seal. The state marine mammal is the humpback whale. The state fish is the Humuhumunukunuku. All these animal live in or in the pacific ocean which surrounds the hawaiian islands. Here are some pictures of these animals.

The hawaiian boar:

The nene:

The monk seal:

The humpback whale:

The state fish:

These are some of the reasons why would love to go visit the hawaiian island. There is so much wildlife and forests and hiking. Hawaii is a beautiful place to go!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Science In The Movies

Science is used in the movies in many ways. Such as pyrotechnics, Special effects and Stunts. Pyrotechnics has science in it when chemicals mix together and make an explosion. Special effects has science in it when there is an earth quake in a movie. There is science in stunts when a building falls it takes science and math to make sure people don’t get hurt and the calculations are right.

Pyrotechnics have science in them when chemicals mix together and make the ingredients explode. When making bombs or explosions you face situations where you have to be careful not to mix two ingredients together that might cause a giant explosion or just a small explosion. Making homemade explosions can be fun but when it comes to the big explosions you have to have permits and make sure its ok to make them. Now-a-days movie makers often use special effects to make the explosions. To make real explosions for a movie has gotten expensive, so that is why movies often use special or visual effects to make explosions.

Special effect or visual effect is used when you see the earth split apart like in the movie 2012 or Twilight’s: Breaking Dawn Part 2. Special effects or Visual effects is usually what movie makers use instead of actual bombs. They have started doing this because it doesn’t cost as much  and it is somewhat safer. It does take a lot of work to learn how to do it and how to make them. Visual effects involves science when it comes to coding, it takes lots of practice and patience to code a giant explosion.

Stunts involve science when the stunt experts calculate how high they can get before it becomes unsafe. There are other ways that stunts have science like when the stunt doubles have to learn how to land properly so that it doesn’t hurt when the jump off a 20ft building. Learning how to do these things takes time and lots of patiences. If you don’t take your time learning how to jump a 20ft building you could land wrong and send you calf up into your thigh.

Science is in a lot of movies, most people just don’t realize it. I listed only three of the ways science is in the movies. Pyrotechnics, Visual and Special effects and Stunts. All of these things are usually not safe to do at home. So I advise not to jump off a 20ft building unless you have special training and don’t make bombs or explosions unless you know what you are working with.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Five Paragraph Writing Promt: If you could be anyone who would it be?

   I would be Kelia Moniz. She is a 18 year old pro surfer who is sponsored by Roxy. She travels the world surfing and sometimes snowboarding doing photoshoots, competitions and even just surfing for fun. Why would I want to be her? Well in this writing I will explain why I would want to be Kelia Moniz.

Kelia Moniz is sponsored by Roxy. Being sponsored for Roxy would be awesome! Don’t you think it would be great to just be called on a random Monday and to get a call saying "Hey we need you to go to South America to do a photoshoot this Thursday.". Of course it would get tiring and you would be called at insane hours to do a photo shoot would stink at times, but at the same time you would get to see different places all the time and it would all be payed for! As a bonus you get free clothes, swimsuits and wetsuits in the mail all the time! This is one of the great reasons I would want to be Kelia Moniz.

Another reason I would want to be Kelia Moniz is that she gets to travel all over the world just to surf, sometimes for free! Traveling to all kinds of places all over the world would be awesome. You would get to see and experience so many things! Of course there would be times where you would be living in a tent or a van, but getting to see how other people live and make do would be a great experience for a kid. This is another one of the awesome reasons I would want to be Kelia Moniz.

Doing surf competitions is probably a lot of stress but at the same time a lot of fun! You also would get to surf with other surfers and learn new ways and things about surfing. Kelia Moniz gets to do all of these things when she goes to surf competitions! Kelia Moniz is in the longboard division when it comes to surf competitions. She has been on many magazines covers and has had many people take pictures of her longboarding. That is another reason i would want to be Kelia Moniz

Surfing in general is great, but going to competitions just to surf is great! And Kelia Moniz gets to do surf competitions practically daily! My goal is to do exactly what she has done with her life. She travels to so many different places and she is sponsored by Roxy! That is why if I could be anyone I would want to be Kelia Moniz.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

TESLA Writing Paper

 How much would it cost and what would you do if you sent four people on a two week surf trip? Where would you go? What would you do? How much would it cost?

 Where would you go? I would go to Costa Rica. Because of the consistent waves year round and also to the many great surf spots. All year round the water is warm and breaks constantly. Where would your surf destination be?

   What would you do? You can not only surf but visit the wildlife and get wonderful canopy tours! Costa Rica is known for great surfing destinations such as Tamarindo, Playa Avellanes and Playa Negra. Not only is there surfing for people, they have surf competitions in may for dogs. How would you spend your day in Costa Rica?

  How much it would cost? For four people to go to Costa Rica it would cost around $6,000 dollars. $6,000 would cost a lot but the trip would be a learning experience and would be worth it. Someday people may not be able to travel much so it is good to do it now even if it costs a lot. How much would you spend to go to Costa Rica?

   How much would it cost and what would you do if you sent four people on a two week surf trip? How much would it cost, What would you do and where would you go if you could go on a two week surf trip? Going to Costa Rica might cost a lot but it would be worth it! I think it would be an amazing experience to go to Costa Rica and surf. Traveling to different places is a good thing for kids to do when they are young so they can then learn about culture and how other people live.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Reading Resposne: Alice in Wonderland Script

Today I read the Alice in Wonderland Script. My part in the play is the White Queen, If you ask me she is kinda crazy or not right in the head. But the rest of the parts are very interesting and it seems like all the characters are kinda crazy, except Alice. Alice seems to be lost in most of the book and often asks a lot of people for directions. When Alice encounters the White Queen the queen seems to be saying "bread and butter" often which is a little strange.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Reading Response: Mortal Instruments Book 5

Clary Fray has found out that the person that she thinks is a friends cousin is actually her brother. That means that Jace isn't actually her brother. Sebastian - Clary's brother- is involved with Valentine Clary's dad. Valentine plans to raise most of the demon population with the help of the angle Raziel. Raziel, if you raise him he will grant you one wish. Clary has to find her dad and stop him before he raises Raziel.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Reading and Response: City of Bones

Today I read about Jace and Clary, in City of Bones. They figured out that Clary has a map inside her head and the map can tell the shadow hunters how to defeat valentine. So to get to the map they have to go to the City of Bones were the Silent Brothers are. The Silent Brothers are people who speak to you in your had for there mouths and eyes are sewn shut and they cant speak. They try to get into Clary's head, because there is something blocking them from getting in. The only person that could remove the block is some one named Mangus Bane.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Reading response

Cary is just a normal person until she sees a murder in a night club. You see she was not supposed to see these people, therefore they were shadowhunters. She follows them and almost dies because of a demon a creature that feeds on humans. The shadow hunters now have to watch her every move, because the demons are somehow drawn to her.  Threw out the book she learns how to be a shadowhunter herself.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Reading Response

June and Day are on there way to Las Vegas. They are on there way to find Days brother Eden. But before that they have to find the Patriots, the people who can help Day with his leg and help them find Eden. They find the Patriots but they will only help Day and June on one condition, they have to assassin the new Elector. The agree but June begins to hesitate and eventually aborts there mission.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lord of the Flies: Final Assignment

Lord of the Flies *Final Assignment*

Read the complete novel and write an essay (400-500 words). Choose one of these topics to
write about:

How does Jack use the beast to control the other boys?

The sow's head and the conch shell each wield a certain kind of power over the boys. In what
ways do these objects' powers differ?

What, if anything, might the dead parachutist symbolize? Does he symbolize something other
than what the beast and the Lord of the Flies symbolize?

Lord of the Flies Final Assignment

The sow's head and the conch shell each wield a certain kind of power over some of the boys. In what
ways do these objects' powers differ? The sows head has a weird control over the boys. Some of them act as if it is a gift to the "beast". Some act as if it is there leader and follow it and talk to it. The conch has another certain power over the boys, that when the blow it it seems to bring all the boys to it.The conch stays with the boys till the very end of the book.

When we start the book our two main characters find the conch on a stump as it was waiting there for them. Ralph and Piggy notice it and then decide it may be good to blow it. When they blow it, it brings in many other boys that are all very confused on why they are there. So it may seem the the boys do not know what it is that brings them in but the go to it anyway. The conch stays with Ralph and Piggy till the end and even then it still holds its power. Even when the conch is smashed when a rock is throw at it, it is a shock to most boys that someone would do that.

The pig head holds a power on only some of the boys, Simon, Jack and a few of Jacks hunters. Simon has a connection with the pig, that when he sees the pig, the pig talks to him and tells him to leave the other boys. Simon some what does leave them, and ends up getting killed because the other boys. The boys attack him and kill him because they believe the beast has taken over his body. The pig head is a sacrifice to Jack and his hunters, so it doesn't have much meaning to Jack and his hunters.

In the end there is a fight and the boys kill piggy, and piggy brings the conch with them. The pig head eventually rots away and the boys get rescued. When the boys get rescued they leave behind the savages, the conch and the pig head that they had for a month or so. Living alone in the wild on an island is let alone frighting. But to have a pig head on a stick and a conch hold some sort of power over you is weirder.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Delirium by Lauren Oliver: Summary 2

Lena has met Alex who is from the wilds. A place were there are no rules no raids and no walls to stop you. Alex talks about bringing Lena there one day, and he does. Everything is wonderful when they go, they see the stars and the openness and the woods. Lena talks about her mom who died when she was young. Lena talks about her and what she was like. Alex and Lena decide that they want to go live in the wilds and never come back. They plan to but they get caught and the police and regulators chase them till they get to the fence. The fence is electrified so they have to jump it so they don't get shocked. Alex tells Lena when to jump and she does but Alex doesn't jump. He gets shot and dies right before he jumps.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Delirium by Lauren Oliver: Summary 1

Delirium is the sickness of love. You have to be cured before you get parred. Lena has to go threw the evaluation before she can go to college and get parred with someone she will be with forever. But on the day on the evaluation a herd of cattle run threw the labs meaning that they will have there evaluation set back a month. Lena is worried that Deliria will get to her before then.

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Darkest Minds: Summary 1

In this book if you didn't die by the time you were 10 then you would be sent to a camp. Ruby who had just turned 10 is sent to a camp called Thurmond, the worst camp there was. She lives there until she is 16 and lies about what color she is. She is actually and orange but she lied and said she was a green. One day she fakes that she is a nurse and finds a way to escape and runs off with some other kids.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Lullaby by Amanda Hocking: Summary 3

In the end of the book Harper, Alex and Daniel end up finding Gemma and take her from the other sirens. Gemma and Harper search for way to break Gemmas curse of being a siren. The sirens notice that Gemma left and they go and try to find her. They end up finding her and trying to take her back with them but she refuses. They end up staying with Gemma and try to find a way to break Gemma's curse.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lullaby by Amanda Hocking: Summary 2

Gemma has been living with Penn Lexi and Thea for about a week now and her whole life has been torture. The other sirens have been trying to convince her to eat but Gemma refuses. Gemma decides to swim to try to get her mind off the hunger. Harper and Alex have been trying to find Gemma. They have had no luck so far, but are still searching.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lullaby by Amanda Hocking: Summary

In this book there are five main characters. Harper, Gemma, Alex, Brian and Daniel. Gemma is Harper's sister, Gemma has run off with some other girls and strangely swam off as a mermaid. Alex and Harper have been doing research to see what Gemma and the other girls are, so far the believe they are sirens and mythical creature are in the shape of a mermaid or a bird and sing to sailors and lure them to them. Brian is Harper and Gemma's father who is extremely worried about his daughters. Daniel is a guy who just turned out to be there when the girls swam and flew away and is now determined to help! So far the book is good and I Really like it.