Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Science In The Movies

Science is used in the movies in many ways. Such as pyrotechnics, Special effects and Stunts. Pyrotechnics has science in it when chemicals mix together and make an explosion. Special effects has science in it when there is an earth quake in a movie. There is science in stunts when a building falls it takes science and math to make sure people don’t get hurt and the calculations are right.

Pyrotechnics have science in them when chemicals mix together and make the ingredients explode. When making bombs or explosions you face situations where you have to be careful not to mix two ingredients together that might cause a giant explosion or just a small explosion. Making homemade explosions can be fun but when it comes to the big explosions you have to have permits and make sure its ok to make them. Now-a-days movie makers often use special effects to make the explosions. To make real explosions for a movie has gotten expensive, so that is why movies often use special or visual effects to make explosions.

Special effect or visual effect is used when you see the earth split apart like in the movie 2012 or Twilight’s: Breaking Dawn Part 2. Special effects or Visual effects is usually what movie makers use instead of actual bombs. They have started doing this because it doesn’t cost as much  and it is somewhat safer. It does take a lot of work to learn how to do it and how to make them. Visual effects involves science when it comes to coding, it takes lots of practice and patience to code a giant explosion.

Stunts involve science when the stunt experts calculate how high they can get before it becomes unsafe. There are other ways that stunts have science like when the stunt doubles have to learn how to land properly so that it doesn’t hurt when the jump off a 20ft building. Learning how to do these things takes time and lots of patiences. If you don’t take your time learning how to jump a 20ft building you could land wrong and send you calf up into your thigh.

Science is in a lot of movies, most people just don’t realize it. I listed only three of the ways science is in the movies. Pyrotechnics, Visual and Special effects and Stunts. All of these things are usually not safe to do at home. So I advise not to jump off a 20ft building unless you have special training and don’t make bombs or explosions unless you know what you are working with.

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