Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lord of the Flies: Final Assignment

Lord of the Flies *Final Assignment*

Read the complete novel and write an essay (400-500 words). Choose one of these topics to
write about:

How does Jack use the beast to control the other boys?

The sow's head and the conch shell each wield a certain kind of power over the boys. In what
ways do these objects' powers differ?

What, if anything, might the dead parachutist symbolize? Does he symbolize something other
than what the beast and the Lord of the Flies symbolize?

Lord of the Flies Final Assignment

The sow's head and the conch shell each wield a certain kind of power over some of the boys. In what
ways do these objects' powers differ? The sows head has a weird control over the boys. Some of them act as if it is a gift to the "beast". Some act as if it is there leader and follow it and talk to it. The conch has another certain power over the boys, that when the blow it it seems to bring all the boys to it.The conch stays with the boys till the very end of the book.

When we start the book our two main characters find the conch on a stump as it was waiting there for them. Ralph and Piggy notice it and then decide it may be good to blow it. When they blow it, it brings in many other boys that are all very confused on why they are there. So it may seem the the boys do not know what it is that brings them in but the go to it anyway. The conch stays with Ralph and Piggy till the end and even then it still holds its power. Even when the conch is smashed when a rock is throw at it, it is a shock to most boys that someone would do that.

The pig head holds a power on only some of the boys, Simon, Jack and a few of Jacks hunters. Simon has a connection with the pig, that when he sees the pig, the pig talks to him and tells him to leave the other boys. Simon some what does leave them, and ends up getting killed because the other boys. The boys attack him and kill him because they believe the beast has taken over his body. The pig head is a sacrifice to Jack and his hunters, so it doesn't have much meaning to Jack and his hunters.

In the end there is a fight and the boys kill piggy, and piggy brings the conch with them. The pig head eventually rots away and the boys get rescued. When the boys get rescued they leave behind the savages, the conch and the pig head that they had for a month or so. Living alone in the wild on an island is let alone frighting. But to have a pig head on a stick and a conch hold some sort of power over you is weirder.

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