Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Five Paragraph Writing Promt: If you could be anyone who would it be?

   I would be Kelia Moniz. She is a 18 year old pro surfer who is sponsored by Roxy. She travels the world surfing and sometimes snowboarding doing photoshoots, competitions and even just surfing for fun. Why would I want to be her? Well in this writing I will explain why I would want to be Kelia Moniz.

Kelia Moniz is sponsored by Roxy. Being sponsored for Roxy would be awesome! Don’t you think it would be great to just be called on a random Monday and to get a call saying "Hey we need you to go to South America to do a photoshoot this Thursday.". Of course it would get tiring and you would be called at insane hours to do a photo shoot would stink at times, but at the same time you would get to see different places all the time and it would all be payed for! As a bonus you get free clothes, swimsuits and wetsuits in the mail all the time! This is one of the great reasons I would want to be Kelia Moniz.

Another reason I would want to be Kelia Moniz is that she gets to travel all over the world just to surf, sometimes for free! Traveling to all kinds of places all over the world would be awesome. You would get to see and experience so many things! Of course there would be times where you would be living in a tent or a van, but getting to see how other people live and make do would be a great experience for a kid. This is another one of the awesome reasons I would want to be Kelia Moniz.

Doing surf competitions is probably a lot of stress but at the same time a lot of fun! You also would get to surf with other surfers and learn new ways and things about surfing. Kelia Moniz gets to do all of these things when she goes to surf competitions! Kelia Moniz is in the longboard division when it comes to surf competitions. She has been on many magazines covers and has had many people take pictures of her longboarding. That is another reason i would want to be Kelia Moniz

Surfing in general is great, but going to competitions just to surf is great! And Kelia Moniz gets to do surf competitions practically daily! My goal is to do exactly what she has done with her life. She travels to so many different places and she is sponsored by Roxy! That is why if I could be anyone I would want to be Kelia Moniz.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

TESLA Writing Paper

 How much would it cost and what would you do if you sent four people on a two week surf trip? Where would you go? What would you do? How much would it cost?

 Where would you go? I would go to Costa Rica. Because of the consistent waves year round and also to the many great surf spots. All year round the water is warm and breaks constantly. Where would your surf destination be?

   What would you do? You can not only surf but visit the wildlife and get wonderful canopy tours! Costa Rica is known for great surfing destinations such as Tamarindo, Playa Avellanes and Playa Negra. Not only is there surfing for people, they have surf competitions in may for dogs. How would you spend your day in Costa Rica?

  How much it would cost? For four people to go to Costa Rica it would cost around $6,000 dollars. $6,000 would cost a lot but the trip would be a learning experience and would be worth it. Someday people may not be able to travel much so it is good to do it now even if it costs a lot. How much would you spend to go to Costa Rica?

   How much would it cost and what would you do if you sent four people on a two week surf trip? How much would it cost, What would you do and where would you go if you could go on a two week surf trip? Going to Costa Rica might cost a lot but it would be worth it! I think it would be an amazing experience to go to Costa Rica and surf. Traveling to different places is a good thing for kids to do when they are young so they can then learn about culture and how other people live.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Reading Resposne: Alice in Wonderland Script

Today I read the Alice in Wonderland Script. My part in the play is the White Queen, If you ask me she is kinda crazy or not right in the head. But the rest of the parts are very interesting and it seems like all the characters are kinda crazy, except Alice. Alice seems to be lost in most of the book and often asks a lot of people for directions. When Alice encounters the White Queen the queen seems to be saying "bread and butter" often which is a little strange.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Reading Response: Mortal Instruments Book 5

Clary Fray has found out that the person that she thinks is a friends cousin is actually her brother. That means that Jace isn't actually her brother. Sebastian - Clary's brother- is involved with Valentine Clary's dad. Valentine plans to raise most of the demon population with the help of the angle Raziel. Raziel, if you raise him he will grant you one wish. Clary has to find her dad and stop him before he raises Raziel.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Reading and Response: City of Bones

Today I read about Jace and Clary, in City of Bones. They figured out that Clary has a map inside her head and the map can tell the shadow hunters how to defeat valentine. So to get to the map they have to go to the City of Bones were the Silent Brothers are. The Silent Brothers are people who speak to you in your had for there mouths and eyes are sewn shut and they cant speak. They try to get into Clary's head, because there is something blocking them from getting in. The only person that could remove the block is some one named Mangus Bane.