Monday, May 21, 2012

Draft 2

Dear Mr.,
     Thank you so much for chaperoning my group and me. I definitely had a good time when we were eating at the mall and when you were telling us about the exhibits in some places. One of the main reasons I enjoyed having you as a chaperon is because you were very good at keeping track of us. Another one of the many reasons is because you always were very energetic and fun to be around.

What I liked a lot was that you were very good at keeping track of us. Some chaperons were letting the kids wander around and kind of separate from the group, but not you, you were always watching us and making sure we were pretty close to you. I am very happy about that because other wise if you weren't watching over us all the time we might have gotten lost or taken. That is why I liked that you were one of our chaperons.

Another thing I liked  a lot about you being our chaperon was that you were very energetic! Some of the chaperons were like "ya, sure, this is fun." But not you, you were always like "ya! Let's go this way!" or "OO, look at THAT!". That is why I like that you were our chaperon because you were always happy and excited and energetic!

Thank you Mrs.Webb so much for helping taking care and watching over our group the whole week when we were in Washington D.C.! Go Nice Guys!

Haileigh Grinkmeyer

Thank You Mrs.Webb

Dear Mrs.Webb,
   Thank you so much for chaperoning my group and I. I defiantly had a good time when we were eating the mall and when you were telling us about the exhibits in some places. One of the main reasons I enjoyed having you as a chaperon is because you were very good at keeping track of us. Another one of the many reasons is because you always were very energetic and fun to be around.

What I liked a lot was that you were very good at keeping track of us. Some chaperons were letting the kids wonder around and kind of separate from the group, but not you, you were always watching us and making sure we were pretty close to you. I am very happy about that because other wise if you weren't watching over us all the time we might have gotten lost or taken. That is why I liked you were one of our chaperons.

Another thing I liked  a lot about you being our chaperon was that you were very energetic! Some of the chaperons were like "ya, sure, this is fun.", But not you, you were always like "ya! Let go this way!" or "OO, look at THAT!". That is why I like that you were our chaperon, because you were always happy and excited and energetic!

Thank you Mrs.Webb so much for helping taking care and watching over our group the whole week when we were in Washington D.C.! Go Nice Guys!

Haileigh Grinkmeyer

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What does Freedoms statue look like?

   This writing is incomplete it will be finished soon!

The bronze Statue of Freedom by Thomas Crawford is the crowning feature of the dome of the United States Capitol. The saute is a classic female dressed in flowing draperies. In her right hand she holds a sword; in her left hand she holds a shield of the united states with thirteen stripes. On her head she wears a helmet which is encircled with stars. On her side there is a brooch that holds up her dress that has "U.S." inscribed on it. Freedom stands 19 1/2 feet tall and is the tallest statue in Washington D.C., The capitol ask when people are building more statues that they don't build it any taller than freedom. Abraham Lincolns statue was built 19 feet tall and nearly was built taller.

What she stands on:

She stands on a cast-iron globe encircled with the words E Pluribus Unum. The lower part of the base she stands on is covered in wreaths and fasces.


Picture sources:


Monday, May 7, 2012

Reading response

My opinion of Thomas. Is that he is afraid./ One reason I think this is because he is lifted out of a dark room and can only remember his first name. Another reason is because he hears voices . One time in the story he tried to think of were he came from which shows that this character might be scared. These are the reasons that I think the character is afraid.

Washington D.C. Trip Draft #2

    I love Washington D.C. don't you? The reasons why I liked going to Washington D.C. are because we got to go see the Vietnam memorial which my grand-dad and my great uncle fought in. Also we got to see the Natural history museum which I didn't have enough time to be in there. I also got to turn myself into a cave man. The last one that I really enjoyed was the air and space museum, me and my friends got to do a flight simulator and we got to see the Wright brothers plane.

     The reason why I liked the Vietnam memorial is because I got to examine all the people that my grand-dad and my great uncle fought with. I also saw some people who were crying cause the family members names were on the wall. My family got to see one of my mom's cousins name on the wall and we took a picture of it and sent it to her family members. We also saw flowers and roses and wreaths all around the wall.

     When we were in Washington D.C., my group also got to see the natural history museum. We definitely didn't have enough time to be in there and see all the exhibits. We were running all over the place and our chaperons had a hard time keeping up with us. My two favorite things that I admired that we got to see was the the exhibit were there was a machine that changed you into a cave man. I looked really weird when it changed me. The other thing I liked was the mummy exhibit were they had a bunch of dead people with bones.  My friends were really grossed out but I enjoyed it.

     The Air and Space museum was one of my favorites. It had a flight simulator that you could fly a plane. Me and my friend flue upside down a lot and shot random people and there houses. It was so funny and other planes were shooting us so it would jerk when they shot us. When we were upside down our hair went every were it was so crazy! When we got to see the Wright brothers plane it was antique and really cool. It was really amazing to see the first plane and you know what it looked like? Well it kinda looked like a bike with wings! The whole museum was really cool and I enjoyed it a lot.

     The whole trip was a lot of fun and craziness we had a really good tour guide and a great bus driver. The whole experience was amazing! I hope to go back some day and visit all these places and many more again.

Draft #1

       I love Washington D.C. don't you?The reasons why I liked going to Washington D.C. is because we got to go see the Vietnam memorial which my grand-dad and my great uncle fought in. Also we got to see the Natural history museum which I didn't have enough time to be in there, I also got to turn myself into a cave man. The last one that I really liked was the air and space museum, me and my friends got to do a flight simulator and we got to see the wright brothers plane.

The reason why I liked the Vietnam memorial is because I got to see all the people that my grand-dad and my great uncle fought with. I also saw some people who were crying cause the family members names were on the wall. My family got to see one of my mom's cousins name on the wall and we took a picture of it and sent it to her family members. We also saw flowers and roses and wreaths all around the wall.

When we were in Washington D.C. my group also got to see the natural history museum. We defiantly didn't have enough time to be in there and see all the exhibits. We were running all over the place and our chaperons had a hard time keeping up with us. But my two favorite things that I liked that we got to see was the the exhibit were there was a machine that changed you into a cave man, I looked really weird when it changed me. The other thing I liked was the mummy exhibit were they had a bunch of dead people with bones, my friends were really grossed out but I enjoyed it.

The Air and Space museum was one of my favorites for it had a flight simulator that you could fly a plane and me and my friend flue upside down a lot and shot random people and there houses it was so funny and other planes were shooting us so it would jerk when the shot us, when we were upside down our hair went every were it was so crazy! When we got to see the Wright brothers plane it was huge and really cool. It was really amazing to see the first plane, And you know what it looked like? Well it kinda looked like a bike with wings! The whole museum was really cool and I enjoyed it a lot.

The whole trip was a lot of fun and craziness we had a really good tour guide and a great bus driver. The whole experience was amazing! I hope to go back some day and visit all these places and many more again.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Persons View of The Holocaust

A persons view of the holocaust would be very hard, they may suffered many hard ships. Such as loss off family, starvation and .

The loss of family is very hard for many people. Just think about it losing your mom at age 8 well that just stinks. I don't know how someone would survive with out your family.

Starvation is very hard to go threw. It still happens today.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I can relate to jack because he wants to find something that he has lost . First this character is trapped because a pirate took him captive. yet i am not. Second this character is crazed. and i am not. One time I trapped my sister. just like the pirate man. in the story when he trapped the person he ran away. This is why I can relate to this character.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Big Writing!

      Why was school created? Why do we need education? These are all questions kids usually ask, and I have asked at least once in my life. School was created for many reasons such as, School is "alive" today because a person (or several) decided it was best to bore the minds of children just so they would gain an extra IQ. Also school was created for children to learn discipline and for children to gain knowledge. 

People wanted for children to learn disiplen probably because at the time children misbehaved and didn't listen or do what there parents said they had to do.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Reading Response

Today my reading was about a science experiment book. First this happened is that the book told how to make toothpaste explode.Second this happened is it showed how to make fire bubbles. Third this happened it told how to make a house out of balloons. These are the things that happened in this book.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Reading Response!!

Today my reading was about Lizards. First this happened is it told me about lizards.Second this happened it told about spider(not my favorite thing). Third this happened it told about snakes . These are the things that happened in this chapter.I would have done the harder one but I cant relate to amphibians.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Draft 2

      Washington D.C. is an amazing place and was founded on July 16, 1790, it is also the capitol of our country. That is why I am very excited to go and visit it with my school. The first thing that I am excited about is that we are going to visit many different historic places. The second thing I am excited about is that we may get to meet some important people, maybe a representative. The third reason why I am excited is because that I like visiting new places.
      There are so many things we are planning to do when we go there. The things that I know that we will be doing is that we will be doing a haunted tour and go see the outside of the white house, we will also be going to the natural history museum. All of these planned things sound very exciting to do and see but the most exciting thing is  the haunted tour I am very excited and scary thing to do. One time we watched a video on the white house and saw the inside of it.
      When we are there we may get to me some one important such as a representative or a congress man. I like meeting new people and meeting important people. One time I got to meet someone who was a judge and I got to watch her hit the little wood thingy. She even let me hit it on the block and let me sit in her chair it was fun.  I got do this when it was closing time and no one was there except her me and my mom. 
      I love visiting new places. I have been all over the country and I have never been to Washington D.C.. I have been to the the Washington that's by Seattle. And when you live in Florida you travel to extreme places and visit cool and interesting things.  Washington looks and sounds very interesting and intriguing. I have also seen many photos and I even watched a documentary on what Washington looked like. 
     All of these reasons are why I am soo excited to go to Washington D.C.. I think a lot of people are excited and ready to go.

Washington D.C. Writing

      Washington D.C. is an amazing place and was founded on July 16, 1790, it is also the capitol of our country. That is why I am very excited to go and visit it with my school. The first thing that I am excited about is that we are going to visit many different historic places. The second thing I am excited about is that we may get to meet some important people, maybe a representative. The third reason why I am excited is because that I like visiting new places.

      There are so many things we are planning to do when we go there. The things that I know that we will be doing is that we will be doing a haunted tour and go see the outside of the white house, we will also be going to the natural history museum. All of these planned things sound very exciting to do and see but the most exciting thing is  the haunted tour I am very excited and scary thing to do.

      When we are there we may get to me some one important such as a representative or a congress man. I like meeting new people and meeting important people. One time I got to meet someone who was a judge and I got to watch her hit the little wood thingy. She even let me hit it on the block and let me sit in her chair it was fun. But I got do this when it was closing time and no one was there except her me and my mom. 

      I love visiting new places. I have been all over the country and I have never been to Washington D.C.. I have been to the the Washington that's by Seattle. And when you live in Florida you travel to extreme places and visit cool and interesting things. And Washington looks and sounds very interesting and intriguing.

     All of these reasons are why I am soo excited to go to Washington D.C..

Monday, March 19, 2012

Writing rubric

5 Paragraph Paper
Thesis Paragraph (1) - The axolotl is an amazing creature.
A grabber ______ (question, interesting, grabs attention)
Reason one ______
Reason two ______
Reason three _____
Paragraph 2
Main Idea ______ (reason 1)
Proof 1 _____
Proof 2 _____
Illustration _____ (time word)
Conclusion _____
Paragraph 3 (reason 3)
Main Idea ______ (reason 2)
Proof 1 _____
Proof 2 _____
Illustration _____
Conclusion _____
Paragraph 4
Main Idea ______ (reason 3)
Proof 1 _____
Proof 2 _____
Illustration _____
Conclusion _____
 Paragraph 5
Conclusion - be unique

Axolotl writing

        Axolotls are amazing creature salamanders that live in water that live in only one lake. What are these strange four legged salamander creature? How do they live in the water? How can they live in only one lake?

       Here is there story, it was said that hundreds of years ago when the ice age was happening a lake stayed frozen and in that lake were baby salamander eggs but since the lake was frozen solid how would they get out, they couldn't. The baby salamanders evolved into some type of fish lizard thing, there slick as wet glass and dark as night. What are these weird looking lizard fish?

         When the scientist found them they didn't know, they studied them watched them. They decided to call them Axolotls. They watched how they survived how they ate and found that if they are dark and black that they would use there skin to blend into the rocks of the lake to hide from prey yet some weren't so lucky to get features that were dark some are albinos. These albino axolotls were caught so they couldn't die off, so now a days if you see an axolotl in the wild you know that number one its not going to last long and number two that is a rare seeing. Even the wild type are coming to extinction.

          So now you know why I call them amazing creature and how they are very close to extinction and how its very hard to find them in the wild or even in captivity, but my teacher was lucky to have two of these amazing creatures. We take care of them and feed them crickets, they are always well feed and cared for. I've touched them before they are very very fast and slimy. You can tell that they don't want to be touched.

        We keep our axolotls in a big fish tank but you cant put just any water in the tank you have to take tap water and let it sit for 24 hours and let all the chemicals evaporate out. You can put a filter in the water but you don't really need to. We feed our axolotls meal worms and crickets. That is the best way to take care of an axolotls.

           5 Fun Facts about Axolotls:
  • Axolotls lay jelly like eggs.
  • They eat with suction.
  • They became neotinic and it actually helped them.
  • They regenerate limbs, heart tissue, brain tissue and spinal tissue.
  • They become stressed in moving water (or warm).

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Whats your hobby?

      Everyone has hobbies. Some of my hobbies are taking care of animals, playing sports and using fun technology. All of these are really great activities for me.

      My favorite animal is a dog.  The reason why is because they are lovable cute and furry little animals. I have three dogs. My oldest is 11 years old, my 2nd oldest is 8 years old and my dog is 1 1/2 years old. I love to take care of my dogs and play with them. I take them to my local park every day and I also take care of other dogs.

     My two favorite sports are soccer and running. I try to do it every day. The reason why I call it my hobby is because I try to do this every day and I learn something new from it. My dad also coaches me on what I'm doing and corrects my mistakes. One time I was playing soccer with my dad and I beat him. It was really fun.

      The reason why I put technology as one of my many hobby's is because I love to play with computers, phones and iPads. I have an iPad and a computer. I love to figure new things about them. It is really fascinating to learn about new things such as how it runs and how to turn it on.

      That was my hobby's that I enjoy doing playing and learning about. Thank you for reading my blog today! :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Whats your hobby?

My hobby is many various things and each paragraph is going to be about a different one, one will be about animals one will be about sports and the last one will be about my favorite technology.

My favorite animal is a dog , the reason why is because the y are lovable cute and furry little animals. I have three dogs, my oldest is 11 years old my 2nd oldest is 8 years old and my dog is 1 1/2 years old, I love to take care of my dogs and play with them I take them to my local park every day, I also take care of other dogs.

My favorite two favorite sports are soccer and running I try to do it every day. The reason why I call it my hobby is because I try to do every day and I learn something new from it every day. My dad also coach's me on what Im doing and corrects my mistakes.

Favorite Technology
The reason why I put technology as one of my many hobby's is because I love to play with computers and phones and ipads.
I have an ipad and a computer and love to figure new things about them, it is really fascinating to learn about new things about them like how it runs and how to turn it on.

That was my hobby's that I enjoy doing playing and learning about. thank you for reading my blog today! :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

India- Why its Interesting

India has many different qualities, which are clearly interesting. I am going to talk about only three, customs,culture and wildlife.

India Customs- India customs is about what and what not to give to people, what to wrap presents in, and who you should greet first when going into someones house.
  • What and What not to give to people- Never ever give some one a white flower for they are used at funerals! Also never give a Hindu leather.
  • What to wrap presents in- You must always wrap presents in red, yellow and green.
  • Who you must greet first when going into someones house- You must always greet the eldest first or the person that looks the oldest.

Culture- India's cultures are art, music and poetry, there are more but I am only naming some.
  • Art- There are many but they are hard to describe, so here are some pictures of them.

  • Music- There music is similar to ours yet there original is very nice to listen to, the most common instrument is the sitar. Here is a Link of some one playing the sitar.

  • Poetry- India's poetry is like ours so here is one.

Wildlife- The wildlife in India is amazing, here are the three animals that I am going to talk about the Amur Tiger, the saltwater crocodile and the Indian rhino.

  • Amur Tiger- The amur tiger is an amazing creature although they are almost extinct.

  • Saltwater crocodile- It can grow to be 17 feet and live to be 80 years old, but the longest one is 18 feet and can be 100 years old.
  • The Indian Rhino- Is like other rhinos, the heaviest one is 3000 kg the longest one is 185 cm.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Why India would be a good place to visit

     India  would be a good place to visit because you could learn about there culture, food, animals, and there lives. But I'm only going to tell you 3 reasons why I would visit it.

     The first reason why is because I'd enjoy learning about there animals. The animals that i would learn about is the elephants, the tigers and the monkeys. The elephants because they are big and they look nice. The tigers because they are ferocious meat eating cats but can also be kind cats. The monkeys because there cute and can be tiny, my favorite is the finger monkeys.

     The second reason why I would go to india is because the food it would be fun to try new food. Such as Pesarattu, this food is made mainly in Andhra Pradesh. Another food that would be interesting to try is Panta Ilish this food is also made mainly in Assam. All these foods would be quite interesting to try.

The last and certinly not the least thing that im going to talk about is there cultures.The culture of India refers to the religions, beliefs, customs, traditions, languages, ceremonies, arts, values and the way of life in India and its people. India's languages, religions, dance, music, architecture, food and customs differ from place to place within the country, but nevertheless possess a commonality. Its culture often labeled as an amalgamation of these diverse sub-cultures spread all over the Indian subcontinent and traditions that are several millennia old.

     Thank for reading my blog and here are my sources for were I got my information.

Monday, January 9, 2012

draft 2: Bridges

     Bridges are used to travel from place to place, some go over water some go over land and some even go over another bridge.There are many amazing  and creative bridges in the world, but i am here to only talk about three.

     The first bridge that I am going to tell you about is the Henderson Wave bridge located in Singapore, it is the most beautiful pedestrian bridge. The first reason why its an amazing bridge is because it has an interesting shape the bridge has waves on it but you actually do not walk on  the waves were you walk is actually flat so then you wont fall off the bridge, which is good other wise there would be a huge possibility that you would fall off the bridge and get really hurt. The second reason why its an amazing bridge is because only people can walk or run on the bridge. The third reason why its an amazing bridge is because it made entirely out of wood so that is why cars cant go on it.

     The second bridge that I think is clearly amazing is the rolling bridge in the UK. The first reason why I think it is awesome is because It actually rolls on top of its self which is crazy cool, but you cant walk on it, you could try but I don't think you'd be very successful. The second reason why I think it is awesome is because the bridge rolls its self up to let bridges bye, think of it your on a boat and you come across this bridge but you cant go over it and you cant go under it, all of the sudden it starts to curl up into a ball! Your a little scary but its also fascinating to watch the bridge roll up on its self.The third reason why it is awesome is because it is twelve meters long, the bridge is made in eight steel and timber sections, and is made to curl by hydraulic rams set into the handrail between each section.

     The last most breathtaking bridge that i am going to write about is the most amazing bridge of them all it is called the Banpo bridge in South Korea. The first reason why it is my most favorite bridge is because it spits out water out of the sides of the bridge it has 10,000 nozzles to squirt out water. The second reason why it is my most favorite bridge is because it has become very successful and is now a major tourist attraction. The third reason why its an amazing bridge is because it pumps out 190 tons of water a minute.