Monday, January 9, 2012

Amazing Bridges

Bridges are used to travel from place to place, some go over water some go over land and some even go over another bridge.There are many amazing  and creative bridges in the world, but i am here to only talk about three.

The first bridge that i am going to tell you about is the Henderson Wave bridge located in Singapore, it is the most beautiful pedestrian bridge. The first reason why its an amazing bridge is because it has an interesting shape the bridge has waves on it but you actually do not walk on  the waves were you walk is actually flat so then you wont fall off the bridge, which is good other wise there would be a huge possibility that you would fall off the bridge and get really hurt. The second reason why its an amazing bridge is because only people can walk or run on the bridge. The third reason why its an amazing bridge is because it made entirely out of wood so that is why cars cant go on it.

The second bridge that i think is clearly amazing is the rolling bridge in the UK. The first reason why i think it is awesome is because It actually rolls on top of its self which is crazy cool, but you cant walk on it, you could try but i don't think you'd be very successful. The second reason why i think it is awesome is because the bridge rolls its self up to let bridges bye, think of it your on a boat and you come across this bridge but you cant go over it and you cant go under it, all of the sudden it starts to curl up into a ball! Your a little scary but its also facinating to watch the bridge roll up on its self.The third reason why it is awesome is because it is twelve meters long, the bridge is made in eight steel and timber sections, and is made to curl by hydraulic rams set into the handrail between each section. 

The last most breath taking bridge that i am going to write about is the most amazing bridge of them all it is called the banpo bridge in south korea. The first reason why it is my most favorite bridge is because it spits out water out of the sides of the bridge it has 10,000 knozzles to squirt out water. The second reason why it is my most favorite bridge is because it has become very sucsesful and is now a major tourist atraction. The third reason why its an amazing bridge is because it pumps out 190 tons of water a minute.

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