Thursday, May 16, 2013

And you thought dragons didn't exist.....

Hello, my name Atermis. The year is 5071 and today is my 13th birthday. I have a small idea of what I might get today. You see, now a days, a select number people become riders at age 13. Riders are people who ride dragons. They are similar to what used to be the air force. But now instead of planes we use dragons.

Being a Rider is a very dangerous job and once you are chosen the rest of the world cant see you. Im serious, the mundanes (human non-rider people) cant see you, they have no idea we are here fighting off the demons and evil for them. You have to be born into a family of riders in order to be chosen. And even then you have to be chosen to become one of them. Of course, we start our training at age 2. So if you are not chosen then you become a mundane and forget all your training and forget all about the Riders.

I live in a family of 5, my mom, dad, my older and younger brother and then me. My parents were the best Riders that ever lived. My older brother is 15 and has been chosen, he is just as good as my dad if not better. My younger brother is 12 and only a couple months younger than me and will be chosen soon after me. My brothers and I have a definite acceptance of being chosen because of our parents past.

My family and I travel downtown where they keep the new dragons, the ones that havent been placed with a rider. We look around at all the different dragons and wait for one to choose me. The thing is the dragon that your sposed to get is sposed to walk straight up to you. And at that moment an aruba blue colored dragon walks up to me. My father tells me to get on it, so I do. Suddenly the dragon paces back and shoots up into the sky. After that I dont remember what happens next.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What is wood?

What is wood?


  1. The hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub.
  2. Such material when cut and used as timber or fuel.
forest - timber - woods - lumber


It is renewable, biodegradable, non-toxic, energy efficient and greenhouse gas friendly.

Hardwoods (angiosperms) have broad-leaved foliage, and tend to be deciduous—that is, they lose their leaves in the autumn. (However, many tropical hardwood species exist which are evergreen—they maintain their leaves year-round.) Additionally, hardwood trees tend to have a branched or divided trunk, referred to as a dendritic form.

Softwoods (conifers) tend to have needle or scale-like foliage, though in some uncommon instances, they can have rather broad, flat leaves, such as Kauri. Most softwood trees are evergreen, however, some conifers such as larchor cypress lose their foliage in the autumn, (hence the common name “bald-cypress”).

Monday, May 13, 2013

What is the best time of the year?

      What is the best time of the year? I think that winter is the best time of the year. I think that winter is the best time of the year because you get to bundle up in warm clothes and enjoy hot cocoa. Also in some places it snows during the winter! Another thing about winter is that during the winter stores have a lot of winter sales. Winter is definitely my favorite time of the year.

 Bundling up for winter is very fun to me. During the winter a lot of people get big coats and hot drinks while shopping or at school. You also get to wear cute gloves and hats during the day. Winter is one of the most fashion oriented times of the year. Winter is definitely a very fun time of the year.

 Snow is one of the main keys to winter. Most states have snow in some sort of way. You can do lots of things in the snow! Like building a snow man, going sledding and many other things. All these things go well with a hot cup of hot cocoa.

Another great thing about winter is that lots of stores have winter sales. That means that you can get jackets that are usually $200 for $50. This helps a lot around the holidays. That way you can get presents for family's for even cheaper. Winter is by far my most favorite time of the year!

Winter is definitely the best best time of the year. It can be great because you get top bundle u pin warm clothes and drink hot cocoa. Also in lots of places it snows! Another great thing about winter is that winter offers lots of clothes and shoes sales. Winter is a great time of the year.