Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Your school is starting a team, what should it be?

If my school were starting a team I would want the team to be a surf team. Surfing teaches you balance, which can help with other sports. Surfing is fun. Surfing is also good exercise. Having a surf team is a lot of work, but is very fun.

Surfing teaches you balance. Learning balance is a key factor when it comes to surfing. Yoga can help with increasing your balance which will help with other sports. Some people enjoy doing yoga on there own but if you are on a surf team you could hire an instructor to teach your team. Yoga and Surfing are both good sports to do if you are wanting to be in shape or just have fun.

Surfing is lots of fun! Especially if you surf with a group. Surfing doesn't teach you teamwork but surfing does teach you independence which is a very good quality. Surfing can be very fun when you catch your first wave, the exhilaration and speed is amazing. Surfing is definitely a very fun sport!

Surfing is very good exercise. For some people exercising isn't always fun. So surfing with a group can be quite fun especially if you start to throw in mini competitions. When surfing you use you stomach and arm muscles A LOT. So after a hard day of surfing you have gotten a good bit of exercise! Surfing is a wonderful way to exercise.

If my school was staring a team I would want the team to be a surf team. Surfing teaches you a great deal of balance. Surfing is lots of fun. Surfing is great exercise. So if your school needs another team surfing is definitely a great sport!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Creative Writting: About Hawaii

Hawaii is a state in the United States. It is an island located in the Pacific Ocean. Hawaii has many Islands but most people know Maui, O'ahu and Kauai. These island offer many different types of wildlife and water.  Someday I would love to go and visit the Hawaiian islands.

There are many islands in Hawaii but here are the main three. Maui is the second largest island is the hawaiian islands, It is also the 17th largest islands in the United States. O'ahu is the third largest hawaiian island and the most populous island of the Hawaiian islands. Kauai is the fourth largest hawaiian island, it is one of the oldest of the hawaiian islands. There are other islands in hawaii but these are the most popular. Here are some pictures of the islands.




The islands offer many types of wildlife and forests. There is the hawaiian boar which is a wild pig. The state bird is the nene. The state mammal is the monk seal. The state marine mammal is the humpback whale. The state fish is the Humuhumunukunuku. All these animal live in or in the pacific ocean which surrounds the hawaiian islands. Here are some pictures of these animals.

The hawaiian boar:

The nene:

The monk seal:

The humpback whale:

The state fish:

These are some of the reasons why would love to go visit the hawaiian island. There is so much wildlife and forests and hiking. Hawaii is a beautiful place to go!
